Welcome to Miass-Russia
Dear teachers and students,
welcome to Miass, Russia.
In this box you can find students essays, a powerpoint presentation and photos about one of the oldest towns in Chelyabinsk region - MIASS . Students love their town and are sharing their stories and essays about their local community with great pleasure. Peaple make the history of their native comunities. Artyom is sharing his story about his family.
Artyom Krivosheev,
5 B grade, school 10
Teacher Tatyana Vasilchenko
What can I write about my native town Miass? I am so young and it is so old. But I live here and I must know its history. It began in 1773 when merchant Illarion Luginin built a copper factory on the banks of the river Miass.
And the history of my family is connected with one of the main enterprises of the town the State Rocket Center (SRC) named after Makeyev Victor Petrovich. Who was Makeyev? Why do my grandparents work in the SRC? Now I can answer these questions. My grandfather worked together with V. P. Makeyev and he told me about his famous colleague and his favourite work .
The SRC constructs rockets for submarines. The special Design Bureau, headed by Sergei Korolev, was established on the 16 of December in 1947. Later it was renamed the Machine Building Design Bureau (MBDB). For 30 years the Design Bureau was headed by Victor Makeyev, the greatest scientist and designer. The State Rocket Center, a successor of the MBDB, was set in 1993.
My grandparents have been working in the SRC since they came in Miass. It was in 1963. My grandfather Nikulin Yury Vasilyevich works as an engineer-constructer. In 2005 he got a title Honoured Machine Builder of the Russian Federation. My grandmother Nikulina Nina Ivanovna is an engineer and takes part in some experimental tasks. Many good specialists create strong and clever rockets. My stepfather Antonov Vladimir Alekseyevich is not an exception. He works in the SRC too. The common length of service of my relatives is 100! They are happy people because they are good at what they do. I am very proud of them and that’s why I’d like to continue the tradition of my family.
Miass honours its past and is full of creative effort and vitality. The life of my town is not easy nowadays but I’d like to try to do all my best to make it better. I shall be a real citizen of Miass. And the history of my own family will be connected with the SRC too, I promise.
Margarita Zemlyanova,
11 B grade,
school 16
Teacher Polyakova ZH.V.
Granny’s fairy tale.
It was an usual winter evening. The big fluffy snowflakes were falling outside and the light frost was painting the fantastic patterns on the window. It was silent and warm atmosphere in a small house at the foot of the mountain. An old woman was sitting near the fireplace and knitting stockings. A small boy was playing with a kitten which was running around granny’s chair and knotting the yarn. From time to time the old woman was looking at them and laughing. It was getting dark outside. At last the Granny finished her knitting and said, “It’s too late. Let’s go to bed!”The boy answered quickly, “No, I don’t want to sleep. I want you to tell me a fairy tale”. The old woman thought a little and said, “Well. Come here”. The boy sat down near the Granny and prepared to listen. The Granny started to tell her story.
“It was long long ago. People lived near Lake Baikal. It was a really beautiful lake with very cold, clear water and on sunny days people could even see the bottom of the lake. A very handsome boy named Tur lived at the shore of the lake. He liked sitting near the lake and couldn`t help admiring with its beauty. One day he decided to see far-away lands. His trip was really long and hard. He saw a lot of new and interesting places. But with the lapse of time Tur felt homesick and decided to come back.
On his way he had to cross the Ural mountains. He went along the valley between the rocks and thought how native everything looked around – the same trees, the same sun, the same sky. Everything reminded home, but it was really far away. He crossed a great number of rivers and chasms, and in one of them Tur saw a nice girl. She was sitting on the stone near the big rock and crying. Tur came to her and asked, “What is your name?”The girl raised her head and Tur saw how pretty she was, but only her eyes were very sad. “Goiak”, the girl answered and it echoed in the air. She was so beautiful that Tur was ready to do anything for her only to make her smile. And he started to ask how he could help her. And Goiak told her story: “Some years ago I was happy, but one day I was blinded by the evil witch. I will be able to see in case I wash my eyes with clear water that looks like a tear.”
Tur knew where such the water was. He hastened to Lake Baikal. He was passing by marshes, dense forests and impregnable mountains. At last he saw Lake Baikal – the blue bowl with the clearest water. Tur scooped full palms of the water and hurried to Goiak. It was much harder to go back with the water, but he didn’t stop to have a rest. He was carrying the water really carefully. At last he saw the familiar mountains and the chasm where Goiak was waiting for him. She washed her face with this water and recovered her sight. Sadness went away. Goiak became healthy and her laughter sounded happily in the mountains. And when Goiak was washing, one drop of water fell on the ground and a new lake with cold and clear water appeared there.
Tur and Goiak stayed together forever. People named the new lake “Turgoiak” to remember about that brave boy and that beautiful girl. Lake Turgoiak is believed to be a little brother of Lake Baikal.”
The fire in the fireplace went off. The boy listened to his Granny with bated breath and was delighted with her story very much.
Some years later this boy became a historian and wrote down this legend for us.

Outstanding people of past and present Miass
Yashenko Tanya 5-th form
Fokina Irina Nikolaevna
The history of foundation and development of the town is always connected with special people. I'd like to tell about people who played a huge role in the history of my native town Miass and my school, where I study.
The foundation of Miass is connected with the name of Larion Ivanovich Luginin. He was one of the largest merchants in Russia. The merchant obtained from the government the permission on the building of copper-smelting factory. The factory began to work at 1777. During 10-15 years Miass copper factory became the huge enterprise. The copper production on Luginin factories was very successful. He helped Russia to support Europe copper market.
When the gold was found around Miass, the settlement began to grow fast. The gold-miners became to play the great part in the development of the town, Simonov Yegor Mitrofanovich was the most outstanding among them. Having a successful financial deals, E.Siminov became a patron, taking an active part in many charitable affairs. He made a considerable contribution in the opening of parish schools, in foundation of handicraft school, in the building of Svyato-Troitskaya church. He took an active part in science research projects, in exhibitions of gold-washing machines. Yegor Mitrofanovich was awarded by Russian orders and medals for his charitable and public activity, he was given the title of hereditary honorable citizen.
But the people of past weren't the only who left the bright trace in the town's history. There were some contemporaries, whose names wouldn't disappear from our memory. Simonov Vladimir Fyedorovich was such a man, who devoted all his life to working at school and brining up children. From early childhood he was interested in art and after leaving school he became the teacher of art and drawing. In 1978 he began his pedagogical activity at school № 60, in 1989 he graduated the pedagogical institute in Magnitogorsk and in 1999 he became a director of our school. He taught the pupils by the individual program me, set up in Moscow, "The carving, incrustation, mosaic from lead". The teacher was carried away by his job joining the children to folk arts, developing their imagination and aesthetic taste. From 1980 work's of Simonov's pupils were the constant participants of exhibitions not only in Miass, but also in the region and in Moscow, they had many awards of high professional skills. The teacher took an active part in seminars, made reports and gave master-classes on exhibitions of national economy achievements, in zone seminars, in all-Russian conferences. In 1997 the museum of children's arts and crafts was founded at our school. The main exhibits became the most interesting works, made by pupils of our school during the lessons of art handicraft and at the lessons of carving group. And the design of school itself by theme panel in marketry style with fairy-tail corner much differs it from other schools of our town. V.F.Simonov died on the 16-th of June 2008 during the technology exam in the 9-th form.
Ordinary, for the first sight, but very gifted and talented people create the history of individual school, town and the country in the whole. And it's very important for us, people, living today, don't to waste, but keep and give the history of their lives to next generations, that we are able to create our history in the future.
Ekaterina Suvorkova,
10 A grade, school 44
Teacher Lyevina O.A.
Nature has always been a favourite theme for poets. And, indeed, can you find anyone who would not be thrilled by the beauties of nature, who would not be stirred by the charms of shape, colour and motion? I think everyone enjoys being out in the country. There is a great charm about gathering berries or looking for mushrooms in the silence of the wood.
Perhaps you enjoy sauntering in the fields or rambling through the sweet-scented woods where as you move along you stop now and then to admire the white-stemmed birch trees or some blossoming shrubs. You may like climbing lulls or following strange trails or looking for unusual plants. At the top of each hill, at each turn in the trail you come upon something new, unexpected.
Perhaps you prefer watching insects, animals or birds. You may watch lines of busy animals as they carry bits of food to their lull-like home, or bees as they hover over flowers. The more you observe, the more you come to know about the beauty of the world around you, and you find a new interest in trees and flowers, fields and valleys and in the animals of the forest.
Alina Ramazanova,
School 26, 8B grade,
The Baikal’s Little Brother
(A legend)
People living in the city of Miass are very proud of Lake Turgoyak situated near by. They like to spend their free time on the shores of this beautiful lake. Water in the lake is so pure that it is even possible to watch underwater life. There are many legends about this wonderful lake. Here is one of them.
It was a very long time ago. On the shore of Lake Baikal there lived a nice guy, whose name was Tour. He was always cheerful and helpful to everybody. Tour travelled much. Once on his way home he stopped in the Ural Mountains and thought, "Birds, trees, mountains! Oh! Everything looks like my home place. But where is the lake?"
Then quite suddenly Tour saw a nice girl. She was sitting on a stone near a huge rock and cried. "What is your name, my dear?" asked Tour. "Goyak," whispered the pretty girl, her eyes being sad. "Why are you crying?" Tour asked excitedly. "Years ago, I was a very happy girl, said Goyak, but a greedy wicked witch made me blind. She said I would be able to see again if I washed my eyes with the purest water in the world.’’
"Oh, then I will help you!" Tour exclaimed. He knew that in Lake Baikal there was really the purest water in the world. "Wait for me!" he said. Then Tour hurried to the Baikal, took some water in his hands and brought it to Goyak. The girl washed her face. The witch’s spell immediately lost its power and the scales fell from Goyak’s eyes. She began to see again. Pure drops of water from Lake Baikal mixing with Goyak’s tears fell on the ground. They say new springs appeared there and turned into a new lake with cold and pure fresh water like the water in the Baikal.
It was called Turgoyak in the memory of Tour and Goyak who lived together happily for a very long time. This lake is often called little brother of the Baikal for its pure fresh water with healing properties. Elmen Park.
Yevgeniy Terzeman
School №7 Miass7th grade
Teacher Nadezhda Ishunkina
I live in Miass. It’s a beautiful town. In Miass there is an Elmen Park. I have been there many times. You must visit Elmen Park. And I can tell you about our Elmen Park, and then you will want to visit it!
It was founded in 1920. Elman Park is known in many countries. Scientists from many countries in the world come into it. They study a lot of new things about nature. Elmen Park is situated in mountains, which are covered with forests. There are 30 lakes with bluish and transparent water and storeroom of minerals near the Park. The highest mountain is called Elmantay. Its height is seven hundred forty three metres. The biggest lake is Big Kisegach. Its depth is 34 metres, the length is six kilometers, the width is five kilometers. Elmen Park has more than eight hundred 30 kinds of plants. Some plants are entered the Red book. Here 32 kinds of medicinal plants grow. In Elmen Park 59 kinds of animals live. The biggest animal in Elmen Park is an elk. In Elmen Park many animals live: wolves, hares, squirrels, hogs, deer, beavers… One hundred sixty five birds live in it: eagles, hazel-hens, owls, nightingales, wagtails, cranes, thrushes, herons, ducks, swans, butterflies… The animal’s and plant’s world is beautiful and diverse but Elmen Park main wealth is minerals. There is a museum of minerals. Museum has more than two hundred sixty kinds of minerals: topazes, nephrites, aquamarines, lunar stones, zircons…
It’s worth visiting! If you visit Elmen Park you can join our Volunteer Team, who works in park, you can see a lot of interesting things in it. Welcome to Elmen Park! We are waiting for you!
Elmen Park.
Yevgeniy Terzeman
School №7 Miass7th grade
Teacher Nadezhda Ishunkina
I live in Miass. It’s a beautiful town. In Miass there is an Elmen Park. I have been there many times. You must visit Elmen Park. And I can tell you about our Elmen Park, and then you will want to visit it!
It was founded in 1920. Elman Park is known in many countries. Scientists from many countries in the world come into it. They study a lot of new things about nature. Elmen Park is situated in mountains, which are covered with forests. There are 30 lakes with bluish and transparent water and storeroom of minerals near the Park. The highest mountain is called Elmantay. Its height is seven hundred forty three metres. The biggest lake is Big Kisegach. Its depth is 34 metres, the length is six kilometers, the width is five kilometers. Elmen Park has more than eight hundred 30 kinds of plants. Some plants are entered the Red book. Here 32 kinds of medicinal plants grow. In Elmen Park 59 kinds of animals live. The biggest animal in Elmen Park is an elk. In Elmen Park many animals live: wolves, hares, squirrels, hogs, deer, beavers… One hundred sixty five birds live in it: eagles, hazel-hens, owls, nightingales, wagtails, cranes, thrushes, herons, ducks, swans, butterflies… The animal’s and plant’s world is beautiful and diverse but Elmen Park main wealth is minerals. There is a museum of minerals. Museum has more than two hundred sixty kinds of minerals: topazes, nephrites, aquamarines, lunar stones, zircons…
It’s worth visiting! If you visit Elmen Park you can join our Volunteer Team, who works in park, you can see a lot of interesting things in it. Welcome to Elmen Park! We are waiting for you!
School 16 students from Miass enjoy sharing their Local History project activities. This term they have been studying about traditions and holiday celebrations in their community. I will post my students'final work - stories, craft work and art.
Hope you will enjoy.
This girl dressed her favourite Barbie doll in a hand made traditional Bashkir costume. The Bashkirs inhabite Chelyabinsk region where we( my students and I) come from.At their classes students learn about traditions and culture of people living in our region. The traditional Bashkir costume consists of a long skirt, a white shirt or a blouse, a waist coat, a warm furry cap and leather boots.
This 3 grade student enjoys making models of old boats and ships. This time he's made an old Japanese war boat.
Easter is a very popular religious holiday in Russia. In this photo you can see 3 G grade students with their Easter cards (templates).