Project welcome
Hello friends, we are from Ismailli, Azerbaijan. We are 8 th and 9th grade students and it is interesting for us to participate in the online projects and share with the world. We study at the secondary school #1 named after Israil Hasanov. We want to share information about our culture, tradition and history with the world. Hope you will like.
Ismailli school#1 named after Israil Hasanov
About our school
Our school name is school #1 named after Israil Hasanov. He is a scientist from our region that is why our school carries his name. Our school is founded in 1961. There are 1291 students and 140 teachers in our school. 671 of them are boys, 620 of them are girls. The first principal of our school was Israil Hasanov. We study in the 8th and 10th grade. Our school is very big. It is situated in the center of the region. We have very good, innovative and kind teachers at our school. Our school looks like a letter H. Our school is public. We have got a uniform at our school. The director and the parents designed our school uniform. Girls wear white blouse and black skirt; the boys wear white shirt and black trousers. In winter we wear suits. We have morning and afternoon classes. Morning classes are from 8 till 1 o’clock; afternoon classes are from 1 till 6 o’clock. We have a canteen at our school and we have lunch there. Every year lots of students enter universities from our school. Our students participate in many projects. The main thing is that they participate in these projects in English.
Till this day, 3 of our students have gone to study in America about a year with the FLEX program. Aynur Ismayilova studied for a year in America and now she is a student at the University of Foreign Languages.
Saadat Atakishiyeva earned a year study in America and after a year she entered the university there. Now she continues her education in the Dimon university Iowa state.
Camila Pashayeva earned a year study and now she studies in California. We have contact with our students and their schools, also their families.
Leyla Atakishiyeva and Seljug Suleymanli participated with their teacher Shukufa Najafova in “Leadership” project and they earned 2 weeks study in America. They presented there and their friends like their work.
Farah Maharramova participated in “Global scholarship” project and was choosen as a global student in the world.
As of now, Shukufa Najafova participates with her students in the “Global Classroom” project and lots of IEARN projects. She is the facilitator of 2 projects in IEARN: “Folk Tales” and “Local History”.
Shukufa Najafova also participates in AzETA conferences and presented there. She has made her teacher’s website.
The address of her site is: http://shukufanajafovassite.blogspot.com/
She has also prepared a blog for the “Local History”. It is about Ismailli. The address is:
Also Shukufa Najafova participated in TEA program and was chosen as finalist. She was in USA about 6 weeks by TEA program. She also was in Turkey and presents her IEARN project there. In 2009 she was in the workshop and conference in Morocco. One of her student is in London now and he opened Azeri school there called “Caspian Khazri”. He also publishes a newspaper called “Araz”. He also opened there “A young’s club”. Shukufa Najafova is the member of International Teacher’s Association.
We have Azeri and Russian sectors at our school. Lots of our graduators work in abroad. Vusal Hamzayev works in London. He opened Azerbaijani school there and at the same time he publishes a newspaper named “Araz” there. Rashad Huseynov works in OSCE as a diplomat.
One of our students Seymur Mammadli works in ANS TV as a translator.
In 2008 our school participated in the competition held by our government called “The best school of the year” and won. Two of our teachers also participated in the competition called “The best teacher of the year” and won. They are Shukufa Najafova our English teacher and Ulviyya Tahirova.
We love our school and hope that you will like our school.
Here are some pictures from our city
The History of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan has a very glorious and heroic history. In Azerbaijan great sons such as Javanshir, Babek, Shah Ismail Hetayi, Koroglu, Javad Khan, and others grew up. These sons of the motherland always thought about their homeland’s benefit. For example, Javanshir spent sleepless nights and thought about how he can be useful for his people. He became a great leader and created the Girdman State in the 7th century. Another example, in the 9th century the Arabians invaded Azerbaijan and Babek decided to save his people from the enemies. He fought more than 20 years against the Arabian Khalafat and even though he lost, he fight shocked thoroughly the Arabian Khalafat. At last he died for his people, he sacrificed himself for his people, for his motherland. We can’t say that there are not black days in our history. Azerbaijan’s nature, its geographical position, and its natural riches, have always attracted strangers. We, the hospitable and peaceful Azerbaijani people, always saw treason from our neighbors. We have had a lot of tragedies, they include, 944 the tragedy of Berda by the Russians, tragedies in the 13th and 14th centuries by the Mongols, the Russians again in the 17th and 18th centuries, 1804 the tragedy of Ganga where Javad Khan said that the Russians could only enter the city over his dead body. In 1828 Azerbaijan was separated into two parts by Iran and Russia by the Turkmenchay Treaty. The North was given to Russia and the South to Iran. The Araz River was the frontier.
When M. A. Resulzade came to government in 1918, he saved north Azerbaijan from the Russians. He created the first democratic state in the East, the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan. But our southern land is still in Iran. With great sorrow, I must say that our Borchali region was given to Georgia, Darban to Russia, and the paradise of Azerbaijan, Goyche Mahali to Armenia. The Armenians have never had their own place. In the end, they defeated the eye of Azerbaijan – GARABAGH. Now they are living on Azerbaijan lands. They committed the 1918 genocide, the tragedy of the 20th of January 1990, and the tragedy of Xojali on the 26th of February 1992. They acted wildly, they killed children, elderly people, and women. But they must know that from the ancient times GARABAGH was our land and always will be. Azerbaijan is invincible. In the end we want to say that we are proud that we are a citizen of a republic like Azerbaijan and we hope and we believe that soon we will save our land from the damned enemies.
When M. A. Resulzade came to government in 1918, he saved north Azerbaijan from the Russians. He created the first democratic state in the East, the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan. But our southern land is still in Iran. With great sorrow, I must say that our Borchali region was given to Georgia, Darban to Russia, and the paradise of Azerbaijan, Goyche Mahali to Armenia. The Armenians have never had their own place. In the end, they defeated the eye of Azerbaijan – GARABAGH. Now they are living on Azerbaijan lands. They committed the 1918 genocide, the tragedy of the 20th of January 1990, and the tragedy of Xojali on the 26th of February 1992. They acted wildly, they killed children, elderly people, and women. But they must know that from the ancient times GARABAGH was our land and always will be. Azerbaijan is invincible. In the end we want to say that we are proud that we are a citizen of a republic like Azerbaijan and we hope and we believe that soon we will save our land from the damned enemies.
The History of İsmayilli

Khanagh and Maiden Towers may concern to XI century. Gasimkhan castle ( XIV cent. ) is situated in 7-8 km at the north from Galachig village, near the source of Goychay river on a high mountain. Gasimkhan castle is one the monuments, which is destroyed much around Gigala´s territory. Sulut, Khankandi and Kurduvan monuments were summer residence of Shirvan leaders. They say the flocks of khan were used to feed in Fit and Niyal mountains. There are continues life more than 2000 years in Khankandi and Kurduvan. One of these monuments is Buzkhana which concern to Shirvan leaders – is Zeyve memorial. (XIX cent.) Its height is 6 m. In 1805, when the Russians were defeated North Azerbaijan, Shirvan´s lieder Mustafa khan was strengthen in the Fit castle.Even though he signed Kurekchay treaty in 1805, 27th of December, he was continued his fight in the Fit castle.One of Sulut monuments is Buzkhana. 650-700 m from Buzkhana in the North, there is “Haram qalasi” or Girkhotag (40 room) monument. Almost, the walls of this castle are quite safe and sound. During Sasani´s period, in the III century some monuments were built with the fear of the North. For example: Chavanshir castle stays till now therefore its walls destroy. This monument is a great example for the past of Azerbaijan masters. In some sources were considered that Ismailli’s territory was founded by Cavanshir the ruler of Girdiman state in the 7th century.
Another historical monument are the grave stones, which are situated in Pirdavud cemetery ( III-I cent. B.C.) The inscriptions in the grave stones prove that, they have very old history. Girlartapa monument is concern to neolith period. The discoveries, which were found from Girlartapa show that, there existed a life from the 5th cent. B.C. till the middle ages during 7000 years.
Title, Author: The historian Qafar Cabiyev.

The Geography of Ismayilli
Ismayilli region was organized in 1931. Its territory is 2064 km2 . The population is 70,724. Ismayilli is on the south slope of great Caucasus Mountains. The centre of Ismayilli of region is Ismayilli city. It is situated 270 km from the capital of Azerbaijan Baku. The territory of the region is especially mountainous. The South-eastern end of the Alazan and Haftaran valleys are in the territory of Ismayilli. The southern part of the region is rolling hills and another part is lowlands.The territory is cut by deep river canyons. The rivers of the region flow into the river Kur’s basin. It has small lakes. Great living places are Ismayilli city, Lahij settlement, the Russian village of Ivanovka, Mijan, Basqal, Kurtmashi, and Qalajik villages. At the present there are 114 villages in the Ismayilli region. ISMAILLY`S CLIMATE

The Economy of Ismayilli

1) Mountains field
2) Slope fields
3) Plains

Literature and Arts
About İsmailli’s famous Literary Personalities
Our region Ismailli has brought up many famous persons. For example: The scientist and writer Manaf Suleymanov, the doctor and theologian Molla Mahammad Rza, the outstanding member of the women movement, the director of the magazine “Azerbaijan qadını” and science history Hokuma Sultanova, the commander of Azerbaijan division Seyfulla Mehdiyev, academic, the professor on chemistry Soltan Mehdiyev, the first director of law school, the teacher of Baku State University Yusif Rahimli, the best of Azerbaijan artist, painter Ağa Mehdiyev, the economic scientist, the first ship captain Shovkat Suleymanova. Geology-mineralogy scientific S. Suleymanova and so on. There lived many educated persons in our region İsmailli. One of them: is a doctor of technology science, scientist, and academician Tofiq İsmailov. Tofiq Kazım oğlu İsmayılov was born in 1933 in the village of Basqal of İsmailli. He died in 1991.He began to his activity in the palace named after Qaqarin. He finished the secondary school in 1951.He entered the Institute of Connection in Moscow. He worked as a director of the Institute of Cosmic Exploration. He opened the Air cosmic Institute of Scientific Explore and the Institute of Ecology. He was the author of more than 200 scientific work and inventions. Abulhasan Alakbarzade: He is Azerbaijanian writer. Çingiz Alakbarzade: He graduated philology faculty of Azerbaijan State University. After graduating Philology faculty of Azerbaijan State University he worked as a teacher in Ali-Bayramlı in 1960. He wrote many interesting stories and novels. For example: “Vulkan”, “Hamilə dəniz”, “Alman şərabı”, “Çılpaqlı”, “Qumarbaz”, “Zindan” and so on.
These are kinds of carpet without pile called "Palaz"

A Holiday in Ismayilli
Novruz is one of the celebrations in our region.
What is Novruz?

Famous People
The Famous People of Ismayilli
There are many famous poets, scientists, writers, actors, ect in Ismayilli. We want to name some of them: Professorial candidates Teshekkul Parlanov and Hilal Elesgerov, Pedogogical Professorial Candidate Endelib Quliyev, Biology Professorial Candidate Shehriyar Meherremov, Physics and Mathematics Professorial Candidates Agaqasim Qasimov and Burhan Javadov, Techical Professorial Candidate Behram Quliyev, Police Chiefs Eziz Movlamov and Ibrahim Bagirov, History Professorial Candidate Nejjar Mustafayev, the famous oil engineer Semaye Huseynova, the redactor of the newspaper Elin Sozu” Dashdemir Ajderoglu, the pilot Salah Alakbarzade, doctor Nargiz Aliyeva and Tahir Mammadov. Ismailli’s native children are famous not only in Azerbaijan, but in the world. Some of them lived and work in other countries. For example: Turkmanistan`s Repablic Honored teacher, Filology Professorial Candidates, and professor Tahir Ceferli, Italy`s national hero Memmed Bagirov, the hero of the Soviet Union, Behyeddin Mireyev, for whom a school was named in Ukraine, and Vahab Qasimov, who is buried in Berlin, among others. One of the famous people of Ismayilli, Maqsud Cavadov, did much research in Azerbaijan on the history of math, wrote many science articles and printed many books. We want to tell you about some interesting facts: A citizen of the village Lahic, Ganci (1714-1715), gained fame for his copper work and art in making samavars from copper. It is said that one of his samavars was given to the Russian Csarista Katherine the Great and its creator was given a medal. In the 1862 London World Fair, a scarf maker from Basqal, Nesir the son of Abdulleziz, represented Azerbaijan by winning a silver medal for his presentation of kelegayis (traditional Azerbaijani silk shawls).
This is silk kerchief made in Basqal
We prepared movie about our project and want to share with you. Hope you will have a look and write your comment about.
This movie is about "Khojali Tragedy"
This movie is about our country Azerbaijan.
This movie is about the region Ismailli where we live.
Local History mini survey
Ambassador Bryza visited Ismayilli School #1 on the first leg of the Peace Corps Bus Tour to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Peace Corps. Teachers and students gave presentations highlighting 8 years of Peace Corps volunteers in the region and the great work they have accomplished together. I want to share this great news with my friends 
USA Ambassador Bryza visited Ismayilli
School #1,Azerbaijan
School #1,Azerbaijan

Our albums
Here you can see the meting with the Ambassador of the USA Mathew Bryza which is held in my school.
This is about Mubariz Ibrahimov
You can see the movie here who had killed by armenian.
Hi dear Shukufa!
YanıtlaSilIt is very nice to be a reader of your blog,wish you success everywhere!
My dear Peri thanks a lot for your wish, the same to you.